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   경호영어평가자료.hwp (127.5K) [6] DATE : 2012-12-11 19:10:27
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자료 1.
1. 경호경비 일반용어의 학습 범위
    경호! 일국의 대통령으로부터 초등학교학생에 이르기까지 이 ‘용어’와 완전히 자유로운 사람은 없다 해도 결코 지나친 말은 아니다. 바야흐로 “경호시대”라고 할 만하다. 다라서 본서는  현재 이 분야의 종사자 그리고 앞으로 직/간접으로 관련된 학습자에게 조금이나마 제대로 도움을 주고자  계획되었다. 종사자나 학습자가 경호분야에 관련된 어휘를 제대로 활용하기 위해서는 먼저 이 분야에 관련된 일반어휘에 정통해야 함은 두말할 필요가 없다. 이어서 상세분야별로 부분적인 표현, 완성된 표현, 담화표현, 대화표현을 소재로 실제상황을 예정하여 부단히 연마해야한다. 한편 ‘경호’란 어휘는 ‘경찰’ ‘경비’ ‘정보’등과의 어휘와 무관하지 않음을 명심해야한다.
  참고로 일반영어어휘를 학습할 때  다음사항을 유념해야 한다. 경호분야의 종사자와 학습자가  공경호의 영어전문분야로 입문하여 영어로 말할 때, 작문할 때 경호어휘를 제대로 활용하기 위해서 무엇보다도 먼저 일반어휘를 깊은 세계관을 형성하는데 그 근간을 제공했다. 그래서 영어에는 성서(The Bible)에서 비롯된 표현들이 많다. 자주 사용되는 그 표현들을 이해한다. 그리고 성서에서 유래된 시, 희곡, 소설의 제목도 알아두어야 한다. 성서의 창세기(Genesis) 제 37장, 36절 말씀을 보면 “미디안 사람이 애굽에서 바로의 신하 시위대장 보디발에게 요셉을 팔았더라” (Meanwhile, in Egypt, the traders sold Joseph to Potiphar, an officer to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Potiphar was captain of the palace guard.) 보디발은 성경에서 처음 언급되는 궁정경호대장의 이름이다. 그에게 국사범을 감시하고 또 형을 집행하는 권한이 부여되었다. (John (Ernst) Steinbeck(1902-1968) 의 명작 “분노의 포도(the grapes of  wrath)”는 요한계시록의 14장 10절 말씀에서 비롯되었다. (“he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.:그도 하느님의 진노의 포도주를 마시리니, 그 진노의 잔에 섞인 것이 없이 부은 포도주라).
  본론으로 어휘 ‘경호’ 를 정의하면 다음과 같다.
경호(警護)란 경호대상자(피경호인)의 신체에 가해지는 직/간접적인 위해를 근접에서 방지 또는 제거하기 위한 호위(護衛)활동과 생명 또는 재산을 보호하기위하여 특정지역을 경계, 순찰, 방비하는 모든 안전경비(警備)활동을 말한다. 관련한자를 영어로 바꾸면 경(警)은 warn(경계하다), caution(경고하다), 호(護)는 guard(보호하다), escort(호위하다), 위(衛)는 guard(보호하다), 비(備)는 possess(소유하다), 찰(察)은 watch(감시하다)로 된다. 그리고 국가마다 경호환경과 경호수준이 다르므로 경호분야에 사용되는 용어의 정의와 사용한계를 정확히 이해해야한다. 경호환경이란 지리적 위치(location), 정치적(political), 사회적(social), 경제적(economic), 문화적(cultural), 종교적(religious) 상황을 말한다. 따라서 글로벌시대에 경호분야 종사자나 학습자는 경호분야의 영어표현에 능숙해야함은 두말할 필요가 없다. 특히 우리나라의 대통령실경호처의 경호관들은 다른 나라와 달리 경호활동을 통해서 외교적인 분야에도 일익을 담당하고 있다는 사실을 간과해서는 안 된다. 한편, 경호분야 종사자나 학습자가 준비해야 할 “경호영어용어”의 소재는 다음과 같다. 일반의사소통/인성/수행예절/의전/경호기법/스포츠/무술/응급처치/구급/위생/검식/안전/사격/수리/검측/자원활용/문제해결/정보/통신/장비기술/공구/자기관리/자기계발/대인관계/조직이해/리더십/창의력/진로 등이다.
  먼저 경호업무에 관계하는 ‘사람’을 중심으로 설명하면 ‘경호원’은 “security officer, security agent, bodyguard, bouncer" 등으로 나타낸다. 대한민국 대통령실경호처의 경호관은 ‘security officer'를 선호한다. ’bodyguard'는 제도권 밖에서  ‘bouncer'는 극장 등 유흥업소에서 사용된다. 이에 대해 경호대상자(피경호인)은 ’protectee, principal'이며 상업적인 관계에서는 'client'를 사용한다. ‘principal'에 대하여 경호방법은 근접경호(protective  service detail)를  채택한다. 경호업무를 수행하기 위해서 선발경호(advance)가 수행된다. 선발경호는 경호대상자가 현장에 도착하기 전에  근접경호원이 수행하는 모든 경호계획(Security plan), 경호일정(security arrangement) 및 경호활동(security activities)을 말한다. 이때 이 업무를 사전에 담당하는 개인을 선발경호원(advance man)이라 하며  이를 조력하는(assist) 팀을 선발경호팀(advance team)이라 한다. 선발경호원은 사전답사( advance survey)를 하여 반드시 보고서형식(report format)으로 작성하여 보고해야 한다. 한편 경호팀은 선발경호, 근접경호, 수행경호팀으로 세분화 된다. 여기서 주의해야할 영어표현은 수행경호팀인데 수헹경호팀은 "detailed team" 이 아니라 ”detail team" 임에 주의해야한다. ’detailed'는 정확한(precise)의 뜻이며 이며 ‘detail’은 특별임무를 부여받은 팀(special team)을 의미한다. 피경호인의 수하물(baggage) 이나 소지품(personal effects)을 분실(loss),도난(pilferage),파괴(sabotage)를 미연에 방지하는 팀을 “baggage team"이라 한다. 한편, 일례로 미국에서는 워싱턴의 고위인사(dignitary)가 로스앤젤레스를 방문한다면 로스앤젤레스경찰국(LAPD)이 경호주무처(host agency)역할을 한다. 이때 선발경호팀은 현지 정보국과 정보선발경호(intelligence advance)를 공유한다. 경호 시 경호책임구역(security responsibility area)에 경호지휘본부(command post:cp)를 설치하고 경호책임자(agent in charge, special agent in charge, a federal agent, officer in charge)를 배치한다. 모든 경호활동을 마치고 경호활동보고서(after action report)를 작성해야 하는데 그 작성방법은 이야기 조(narrative form)로 해야 하고 그 내용에 반드시 경호상의 어려움과 해결책을  제시해야한다.
  결론적으로 글로벌 시대의 경호원 특히 공경호를 수행하는 대한민국 대통령실 경호처의 경호관이 되기 위한 학습자는 경호경비영어를 나 자신의 수족으로 만들기 위한 영어 학습 및 훈련과정에
서 어떠한 상황에서도 영어를 유창하고 동시에 정확하게 표현하겠다는 결연한  의지를 시종일관 유지해야 한다.

✹경호경비 시 활용 용어
advance 선발대(先發隊)
        행사지역에 미리 파견된 TF팀으로 제반 업무의 협조, 안전도모, 혼란예방, 질서유지, 중요한 사항을 본대에          통보하고 지침을 받아 조치
advance protection 선발경호(先發警護)
        VIP 경호의 효율성을 도모할 목적으로 선발대가 행사지역의 각종 안전 조치강구, 본대와의  유기적 정보          교환, 유관기관과 협조체계 및 유사시에 대비책 등의 사전 조치
advance security 사전 안전 활동(事前安全活動)
        본대가 도착되기 전  선발경호대가  행사장에 투입되어 시행하는  제반적인 사전안전조치를 위한 경호활동
assassination  암살(暗殺)
        VIP를 계획적 음모, 정치적 요인 등으로 살해하는 모든 행위
bodyguard 경호원(警護員)
        의뢰인의 생명과 재산을 보호임무를 직업으로 삼는 사람
bullet-proof 방탄(防彈)
        위해기도 자가 사용하는 소총, 권총, 칼 등의 공격을 방어하기 위한 일체의 도구
bullet - proof Bag 방탄(防彈)가방
        방탄재질로 제작된 방탄용 특수가방
bullet - proof Blanket 방탄(防彈)담요

2. 수행경호예절
    수행예절(隨行禮節)어휘를 각기 영어로 나타내면 '수'는 'follow' ‘행’은 ‘perform, go' ’예‘는 ’good manners, courtesy, ‘절’은 ‘chapter, joint' 이며 ’예절‘은 ’예의(禮儀)와 같은 뜻으로 쓰이고 “예의의 절차”를 의미한다. 한편 예절은 동양적 의미와 서양적 의미로 대별된다. 전자는 유교 원리 즉 인의예지신(仁義禮智信)에 바탕을 두고 일상생활에서 지켜야 할 규범이나 질서를 말하고 후자는 기독교정신에서 비롯되어 언어와 동작의 법식을 통하여 사회생활에서 지켜야 할 위상이나 품위유지를 말한다. 따라서 수행경호 시 경호원의 정신적인 면과 형식적인 면이 일치하여 타인을 배려하는 국제예절정신으로 승화되어 표출되어야 바람직하다.
    경호 시 수행예절이란 경호대상자를 근접경호(close-in security, detail security, protective detail)할 때 경호대상자를 따라가며 지켜야 할 예의와 절차를 말한다. 예의와 절차는 수행경호기법과 연관되어 있음을 기억한다. 피경호인(principal, 일반적으로 VIP)을 근접 경호하는 경호원을 ‘PSO( personal security officer) 라 말한다. ’PSO"는 각종 의무(duties), 외모(appearance), 민첩성(alertness), 예절(courtesy) 및 지력(intelligence)에서 출중한 (outstanding) 면모를 갖추어야 한다. ’PSO"는 ‘VIP'가 공식방문(the official visit)시 시종일관 수행해야 한다. ’PSO'의 임무(mission)는 구두(verbal)로 하거나 혹은 문서(written)로 반드시 작성되어야 한다. 'PSO"의 임무는 공격자(assailant)가 피경호인과 수행경호팀사이에 절대로 끼어들지 못하게 해야 하는 것이며 그러기 위해 위치변경을 빈번히 해야 한다. “PSO'가  맡은바 과업을 완벽히 수행하기 위하여 선발경호대(advance team)로부터 수행경호에 필요한 정보 즉, 각종지도(maps) 각종약도(sketches), 관계자명단(names of people involved), 전화번호(telephone numbers)등을 제공받는다. 특히, ‘PSO'는 ’VIP'의  도보 시 경호(protection while walking), 골프운동 시 경호(protection while playing golf), 공공행사 시 경호(protection at public events), 숙소 경호( residence protection, residence watch) 등에 유의해야 한다. 상기 수행경호 시 일반대중 및 기자단과의 불필요한 대화는 반드시 삼가 해야 한다.
  경호원은 수행경호 시 여러 가지 예절 중에 특히, 인사예절, 소개예절, 대화예절, 전화예절 등에 각별히 주의해야 한다.
✹수행경호(detail protection)시 활용 용어
carrying a weapon 휴대무기(携帶武器)
        어떤 사람이 어떤 화기를 소지하고 있는 상태
defensive driving  방어운전(防禦運轉)
        피해를 예방하는 운전자의  조심운전
controlling actions of potential criminals while walking
        도보이동 시 감시대상자 통제 대책 (徒步移動 時 監視 對象者 統制對策)
c 우리 측 경호원 승차여부(警護車內 我側警護員 乘車與否)
          초청국 에서 선, 후미 경호차에서의 우리 측 경호원의 탑승여부를 조율함
security arrangements 안전조치(安全措置)
separate events of the first lady 영부인 단독행사(令夫人 單獨行事)
size(scale) offForce 병력규모(兵力規模)
        병력의 수(數) 및  장비의 질(質) 등의 척도
trafficcControl 교통통제(交通統制)
        행사시 안전을 위한 제대의 일정 속도 유지, 지역 내의 도로, 교량 , 터널등의 사전 안전조치 강구 및            통행의 우선권 결정 등의 제반조치
traffic patrol 교통순찰(交通巡察)
traf 사회적 조건에 따른 인성교육을 강조했다. 루소와 홉스의 입장도 곧 일맥상통 한다. 이성적 공익정신이다.
    바람직한 경호원 특히 대한민국 대통령실 경호처의 경호관이 되려는 사람은  어떠한 인성을 찾아 절차탁마하여야 할 것인가?  필자는 6심정신과 4익태도를 가져야 한다고 감히 제언한다. 6심정신은 배려심(配慮心, Care), 예의심(禮儀心, Courtesy), 충성심(忠誠心, Loyalty), 명예심(名譽心, Honour), 의리심(義理心, Faith), 지성심(知性心, Intellect) 이며 4익태도는 자익(自益), 사익(社益), 국익(國益), 세계익(世界益) 이다. 6심정신과 4익태도가 결합되어 시종일관된 하나의 언행으로 표현되어야 한다. 왜냐하면 대한민국 대통령실 경호처의 경호관이 대한민국의 경호의 대명사일 뿐만 아니라 세계경호의 타산지석이기 때문이다.
 15. 다양한 경호환경과 대처방법     

    경호원이 경호 및 경비(警備)업무수행 시 부지불식간(不知不識間)에 발생하고 필히 해결해야 문제점을 갖고 있는 경호상황은 무엇인가? 여기서 경호원은 공경호(公警護 Public Security)업무와 와 민간(사)경호(私警護 Private Security)업무를 수행하는 모든 종사자를 지칭하는 말이다. 그 경호상황은 다음과 같다. 즉, 선발경호(Advance Security), 수행(근접)경호(Detail Security), 행사장경호(Site Security),연도경호(Roadside/Route Security), 차량경호(Motorcade Security),숙소경호(Residence Security/Watch), 공항경호(Airport Security), 공중경호(Aerial Security), 국가원수특별기경호경비(Presidential Aircraft Security), 공항환영 및 환송경호경비(Welcome & Airport Security),극장경호경비(Theatre Security), 연단경호(Speaking Engagements Security), 대회의장경호경비(Conference Security), 집무실경호경비(Office Security), 음식점경호경비(Restaurant Security), 골프장경호경비(Golf Course Security), 승강기경호경비(Elevator/Lift Security) 등이다. 이들 경호업무수행 시 경호대상자 및 경비시설에 가해질 가능성을 갖고 있는 각종 계획적이고 우발적인 위해요소(危害要素)로부터 대상자와항, 행사장의 위험점검 및 분석과 평가, 행사지원 사항 및 각종 편의시설이용 현황 등이다. 특히 경호계획을 수립할 때 결코 간과해서는 안 될 경호상황은 숙소경호(宿所警護)에 따른 경비 활동, 경호대상자의 군중(群衆)사이 이동 시 와 경호대형(警護隊形 Security Formation)의 장해요인이 발생할 수 있는 출입문, 승강기, 계단, 에스컬레이터  이용 시 등이다.
  결론적으로 다양한 경호 및 경비상황에서의 바람직한 문제해결을 신속정확하게 수행하기위해서는 경호 및 경비분야 종사자들은 다음 3가지 점을 평소에 연마해야 한다고 제안한다.
첫째, 경호 및 경비분야의 훌륭한 지도력을 소유한 지도자(leadership)를 찾아 그들과 대화와 토론활동을 꾸준히 계속한다. 둘째, 경호 및 경비분야의 영원불멸한 가치(價値)와 진리(眞理)를 설정해야 한다. 셋째, 그 설정한 가치와 진리에 항상 생명(生命)을 바칠 각오가 되어 있어야 한다. 무엇보다도 이 점을 시종일관(始終一貫)확고히 하기 위해서 경호 및 경호 종사자들은 창의력(創意力)을 발휘하여 고전 Classics)을 반드시 정독(精讀 Intensive Reading)해야 한다. 그 안에 분명코 명확한 정답(正答)이 있기 때문이다.
 17.  경호원의 직무내용과 필수요건
    우리는 바로 눈앞에서 작금(昨今)에 크고 작은 테러(Terrorism)와 각종 폭력(暴力Violence)이 날로 증가하며 난무하고 있는 현장을 직시하고 있다. 심지어 초등학교학생들조차도 이러한 극악무도(極惡無道)한 언행으로부터 완전히 자유로울 수 없다. 그렇다 하더라도 우리는 절대로 방치(放置)하고 수수방관(袖手傍觀)할 수만은 없다. 우리는 그러한 작태(作態)로부터 자신의 생명을 스스로 끝까지 지켜야 함은 물론이다. 우리는 자신의  고귀한 생명을 지키기 위해 어떠한 준비를 다시 해야 하는가? 이 질문에 갖가지 방책이 제시될 수 있으나 저자는 각자가 “자기경호태도(自己警護態度)와 정신(精神)”을 갖기를 강력하게 요청한다. “자기경호태도와 정신”의 본질적 의미는 “자신의 생명을 어떠한 상황에서도  나 자신이  적극적으로  지키겠다.”라는 엄정하고 굳은 신념(信念)을 나타낸다. 뿐만 아니라 “타인의 생명도 역시 지극히 중요하다.”고 하는 “생명존중사상(生命尊重思想)”이 깃들어 있다. 우리의 생명을 우리 스스로가 지키는 것도 중요하지만 때로는 타인에게 맡겨할 사정도 생기는 법이다. 즉 서로가 서로에게 완벽한 ‘생명지킴이‘가 되어 줄 수 있어야 한다. 곧 ’자기경호시대‘로 진화(進化)해야 한다.
  서로에게 숭고한 ‘생명지킴이’역할을 충실히 하기위해서  우리가 물리적인 도구를 간편하게 사용할 수 있도록 하는 권리(權利)를 법(法)으로 제정하는 방법도 있겠으나 저자는 필요에 따라 각자가 ‘경호무도(警護武道)’를 수련(修練)하기를 적극 권장한다. “경호무도”는 “스포츠” 혹은 ‘격투기(激鬪技)’가 더 더욱 아니다. ‘경호무도’는 경호원이 경호대상자를 완벽하게 경호하기위해 절대적으로 필요로 하는 순수하고 고난도의 기술과 기법이다. 즉 경호원이 무기를 되도록 사용하지 않고 경호대상자를 안전하고 완전하게 보호 하는 경호업무를 수행하기 위해서 ‘경호무도’를 활용하고 반드시 체화시켜야한다. 따라서 일반인도 ‘경호’라는 어휘를 논할 때 이점을 타산자석(他山之石)으로 삼았으면 하는 마음이다.
  그래서 경호원과 예비경호원은 무엇보다도 먼저 자신의 태도를 확고히 정립하고 이어서 경호업무에 관한 직무내용을 명확히 학습해야 한다.
    먼저 경호원과 예비경호원이 평소에 가져할 정신자세는 다음과 같다. “경호는 최상의 문화(文化)다.” 라는 개념(槪念)에서 출발한다. 훌륭한 경호원은 일반대학교육(一般大學敎育university education)을 잘 받았으며  박식한 사람이다. 그러므로 겉으로 드러나는 모습이 올곧은 행동(excellent appearance)이며  사회적 관계(社會的關係social situations)에서의  행동처신이 올바르다. 반드시 경호에 대한 정규훈련(正規訓練formal training)받아야 한다는 생각을 가지며 실행한다. 경찰관직무수행이나 군대생활의 배경이 특히 대통령경호(VIP protection)업무에 분명코 도움이 되는 사실을 간과하지 않는다. 경호 기술(技術skills)과 기법(技法techniques)을 부단히 발전시킨다. 경호원을 일상적인 직업(職業job), 전문적인 직업(career), 소명감을 가진 천직(天職calling)개념으로  체
1.  The Classification of Security Personnel
    Security personnel are classified as either of the following: in-house or proprietary, who are            employed by the same company or organization they protect, such as a mall, theme park, or casino which      were formerly often called works police or security police in the United Kingdom contract, working        for a private security company which protects many locations. They are 'Public Security,' 'Private        Police Officers,' or 'Security Police', 'Private Patrol Officers', 'Vehicle Patrol Officers' that also      protect multiple client premises.

(Notes) personnel:전 대원(집합적 의미) in-house:사내청원경찰  proprietary:사내비밀경찰  works police:청원          (사내)경찰security police:비밀경찰 contract:청원경찰, 청부계약 public security:비밀경찰 private            police officer:청원경찰 private patrol officer:청원순찰경찰 multiple:다양한 client:경호의뢰인              premises:구내 employ: 정식으로, 계속적으로 고용하다.

(참고) 대한민국에서는 경호주체가 국가기관인 대통령실경호처와 경찰청의 공경호와 개인 및 법인이 주체가 되어        영리추구를 하는 민간경호(사경호)로 분류한다.

1. The attacks came as Colombia was beginning what the government had dubbed a "week for peace,"
    with mediators hoping to draw the rebels to the negotiating table.

    (주요어구) attack:공격, 습격 come:일이 일어나다 as:~하고 있을 때 the government:정부 dub:명칭을                      붙이다 mediator:중재자 rebel: negotiate: 협상하다 table: 위원회

    (핵심구문) draw A to B: A를 B로 끌어내다
                with A~ing: A가~하면서:
                  with mediators hoping to draw~:중재자들이~를 끌어내기를 희망하면서

97. The explosive end of Flight 800 stirred immediate speculation of a bomb. The involvement of roughly        100 FBl agents on the case further confirmed notions that terrorists were involved. One theory that          arose the day after the crash: a surface-to-air missile had brought down the 747, perhaps a                shoulder-launched Stinger missile, of the type smuggled by the U.S. into Afghanistan in the late 1980s      to help rebels battle the Soviet-backed government. But while federal officials had not ruled out an          attack by a surface-to-air missile, they thought the possibility remote. Even if they could not say how      the plane blew up, federal aviation authorities were reluctantly coming to the conclusion that the crash      was the result of an act of terrorism. Although TWA had been criticized by distraught relatives for failing      to confirm the names of victims quickly enough, the airline swiftly turned over the passenger manifest to      federal intelligence officials so they could scrutinize it for possible leads.

(주요어구) end":종말 stir:일으키다  immediate:즉각적인 speculation: 억측 roughly:대충 confirm:확인하다                  crash:비행기의 추락 bring down:쏘아 떨어뜨리다 Stinger:휴대용 지대공 미사일 smuggle A into                B:A를B로 몰래갖고 들어오다 rule out:무시하다 remote:가능성이 희박한(slight) blow up:폭팔하다                aviation:항공  authorities:당국 reluctantly:마지못해하는 come to the conclusion that~:~라고                    판단하다  be the result of~:~의 결과 이다



                                    Name: George Herbert Walker Bush
                                    Age: 64
                                    Occupation: Vice President
                                    Last known residence:
                                        Connecticut, Maine, Texas, Massachusetts

Wanted For: •Interstate flight to avoid responsibility
            •Failing as drug czar
            •Slashing support for state and local police
            •Giving criminals easy access to guns
            •Dealing with drug-running Panamanian dictator



(Notes) wanted man:경찰의 지명(현상)수배자 occupation:직업 vice president: 부통령, 부사장 residence:주거,          주소 missing: 행방불명인 interstate:각 주(州)간의 flight:도주 avoid:피하다 responsibility:책무            fail:실패하다 drug czar:정부가 임명한 마약단속최고책임자 drug:마약 run:밀수하다                            Panamanian:파나마사람의  dictator:지령자 caution:경고 subject:지명수배대상 suspect:혐의인물                rhetoric:웅변술  A be armed with~: A 가 ~를 갖추고 있다

1. The Attempted Assassination of President Andrew Jackson
  On January 30,1835, in the Main entrance to the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., Richard Lawrence stepped from behind a column on the portico as the President and his family approached. From a distance of 13 feet, he drew two single shot pistols and fired one. The cap discharged but the bullet did not fire. The other pistol was fired at point blank range as the President raised his cane, but it too failed to discharge. He was apprehended by the Secretary of the Treasury and a naval office


  ✱ United States Secret Service(국토안전부 비밀수사국)(미국비밀경호국)
      ① The origin of the U.S. Secret Service
        The U.S. Secret service, which is one of the nation's oldest federal investigative law                    enforcement agencies, was founded in 1865 as a branch of the U.S. Treasury Department. Its                original mission was to investigate counterfeiting of U.S. currency. It was estimated that one-            third to one-half of the currency in circulation  at that time was counterfeit. However,In 1901,          following the assassination of the William McKinly in Buffalo, New York, the Secret Service was            assigned the responsibility of protecting the President. Today, the Secret Service has two              nal criminal organizations and enterprises
                            7. Combat major white-collar crime
                            8. Combat significant violent crime
                            9. Support federal, state, local, and international partners
                            10. Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI's mission

      ③ The motto of FBI
                        "Fidelity, Bravery, and integrity." Learn about the origins of this motto>

      ④ The core Values of FBI
                          ✪ Rigorous obedience to the Constitution of the United States;
                              ✪ Respect for the dignity of all those we protest;
                              ✪ Compassion;
                              ✪ Fairness
                              ✪ Uncompromising personal integrity and institutional integrity;
                              ✪ Accountability by accepting responsibility for our actions and decisions                                  and the consequences of our actions and decisions; and 
                              ✪ Leadership, both personal and professional.

                    Writing Section
  행사장별 귀측 검측계획에 대해 설명해 주시기 바랍니다.
 아측 VIP내외분 차량 앞좌석에 누가 탑승합니까?
 비상대피통로는 어디에 있습니까?
최기병원은 어디에 있습니까?
아측 총기휴대가 불가한 지역이 있습니까?
공식행사시 차량대형은 어떻게 합니까
귀국에서 활동하는 테러단체가· 있습니까?
수행경호책임자는 누구입니까?
호텔에서의 인터넷사용료는 얼마입니까?                     
✦ ~이 ~에 ~때 도착 예정입니다.
  ~will be arriving~ on ~.

✦ ~하면 정말 좋겠습니다.
    We would like to do~ .

✦ ~여부를 진정으로 알고 싶습니다. 
  I would like to know whether~.

✦  ~를 알려 주시기 바랍니다.:
    I'd like to know~.
✦VIP 단독 내외분:only the VIP
✦경호선발대: the advance team
✦전담경호대:special security team
✦전담경호대장:the leader in charge of the special security team

Speaking Section
  Question: Why do all the Secret Service agents wear sunglasses?
  Question: Which should the hands of the driver be placed on either side of the steering wheel in a                    comfortable position?
 Question: Who will occupy the complex? Question: What happened ?
 Question: What does CCTV mean?
 Question: What's the purpose of the protective security services?
  Question: Who is the personal security officer?
  Question: What's the mission of the advance team?
 Question: What law enforcement can do for financial institutions?
              I haven't seen you for ages.
              I haven't seen you for an age.
            It is ages since I saw you last.

Practice 1.※ "그녀는 나에게 충고도 하고, 뿐만 아니라 돈까지도 주었다."를 고정된 표현과 변형된 표현을 사용하                여 영어로 옮기시오. 
(Answers):고정된 표현
→ She gave me money as well as advice.
→ She gave me not only advice but also money.

(문장내용의 초점은 그녀가 나에게 준 것 중 초점은(focus)「충고」에 있는 것이 아니라 「돈⌟ 에 있다.)

 (Answers): 변형된 표현
1. She gave me not simply advice but(also) money.
2. She gave me not just advice but (also) money.
3. She gave me not merely advice but (also) money.
4. She gave me not advice alone ,but also money.
5. She gave me not only advice but money as well.
6. She gave me not only advice, and money into the bargain.
7. In addition to giving advice to me, she gave me money.
8. She gave me money besides advice.
9. Besides giving me advice, she also gave money.
10. She gave me not only advice ; (:) money.
11. She gave me money, let alone advice.
12. She gave me not only money. She gave me advice.

● 작가의 견해(The point of view of the writer)를 파악해야 한다.

 The Declaration of Independence was the instrument by which the thirteen colonies declared their        independence from Great Britain. It was written by Thomas Jefferson, one of a special committee of      five assigned by the Continental Congress to draw up a form of declaration. When the declaration        was originally brought before Congress on June 28, 1776, the delegates from Pennsylvania and South    Carolina refused to approve it until it carried an amendment. That amendment was then written into      the declaration, which was finally approved on July 4. Originally only the president and secretary of      the Continental Congress affixed their signatures ; the delegates added their signatures as their          individual States confirmed the action of Congress.

1. An accepted way of measuring time is essential for the smooth functioning of society.
            ․ instrument : 시설, 설비
            ․ impose A on B : A를 B에 떠맡게 하다
            ․ regularity : 규칙적인 질서
            ․ draw attention to : 관심을 나타내다
            ․ precise : 정확한
            ․ set out=display
            ․ wares : 상품(articles)
            ․ at daybreak : 새벽에(at dawn)
            ․ service : 예배
            ․ rough : 대강의
            ․ apparent : 분명한
            ․ Were it for=It it were not for=But for=Without(~없더라면)
            ․ yardstick : 나무, 금속으로 만든 야드 자
            ․ chaotic : 혼란스러운
            ․ transfer : 이동
            ․ in(by) fits(and starts)=irregularly(때때로 생각나는 대로)
            ․ fabric : 구조(structure)
            ․ unravel : 해결하다
2. the instrument by which the 13 colonies declared their independence from England.
            ․ The Declaration of Independence : 미국의 독립선언(1776. 7. 4)
            ․ colony : 식민지
            ․ draw up : 작성하다
            ․ delegate : 대표자(deputy)
            ․ amendment : 수정
            ․ affix : 서명 등을 써넣다
            ․ Continental Congress : 대륙회의(독립을 전후하여 2번에 걸친 주대표회의)

                    Reading Section

5. A bodyguard is a type of security or government agent who __________ a                person-usually a famous, wealthy, or politically important figure-from assault,            kidnapping, loss of confidential information, or other threats.
6. Meanwhile, the New York Times assures us that "the fight against Al-Qaeda is          the central battle this generation," and John McCain more expansively labels it the "transcendental challenge of the 21st century,"_________ Democrats routinely insist that    the terrorist menace has been energized and much    embellished by    the war in  Iraq.

7. All protective details are undertaken after a thorough assessment of the threats          facing the        . Threats are evaluated and countermeasures implimented            according to the assessment.
8. We haven't decided the exact number of bodyguards who will be _________ to          Kirkuk, yet, Kim told The Korea Herald. It could be about 150 people.
9. There is, for example, the diabolical would-be bomber of shopping malls In              Rockford, Illinois, who exchanged two used stereo speakers for a bogus                handgun and four equally bogus hand grenades supplied by an obliging FBI                        .
10. The liver is in the upper right part of the stomach. This dark, red ______    _ is          big. It weighs more than one kilogram. And, it has a big job. The liver helps            clean the blood and fight infection. It also helps break down food and store            energy until the body needs it.
11. Even if individuals living in a residence reduce the likelihood  of a burglary by          better      , they may only be displacing the burglary to another, less lit              area.
12. Fenglin Niu is a seismologist with Rice University in Houston, Texas. He and            his team performed experiments along California"s San Andreas Fault, an area          famous for its many ___________ .
13. More questions are asked before the first cut. All members of the team are            supposed to identify themselves by name and job. Another step is to confirm          whether the patient was given antibiotic drugs within the last hour to                  prevent            .
14. Our story today is very old. It goes back about five thousand years. It is about          a sign that is used to represent some words. We see this sign on drug stores          and whenever we visit a doctor to get an order for medicine. It appears also          appears on bottles of pills and other medicines. The sign is formed by a line          across the right foot of the letter "R." It represents the word "prescription." It          has come to mean "                          ."
        ① hit the ball                      ② put the doctor upon him 
        ③ talk in signs                    ④ take this medicine

15. Thurgood Marshall was a very good _________. The people he represented in            court were black and poor. He never earned much money. But his name soon          became well known. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored          People offered him a job. He went to work as one of its legal representatives.
16. When you lock the brakes, you have 100% brakes and 0% steering. If you              apply 50% brakes, you have 50% steering. The secret of good threshold                braking is building the pressure fast and staying at the 85% breaking and 15%          steering point. Your right heel should be on the floor and brakes should be            applied with the toe. Do not lift the foot and jab the brakes. All movements            should be          .
17. History reflects that many assassins suffer from some sort of _______ _________.            Cranks who are suffering from delusions of persecution present the greatest            potential danger. In a high percentage of assassinations, the assassin revealed          his intent through typical abnormal behavior prior to the attack. The danger            signs usually went unnoticed, unrecognized, or were discounted by the                  authorities. Leaving precise clinical definitions aside, it is clear that all assassins act    under some delusion strong enough to lead murder.
          ① physical fitness                    ② mental disorder 
          ③ internal peace                    ④ side effect

18. After a little food for himself and fuel for the "Winnie Mae," Post was once            again in the air. This time he was headed for Russia. For long hours he flew,          listening only to the sound of his engine. Often, the weather was so bad he            could not see where he was. At one point he came so close to running out of        gas he considered using his ____________. But at the last minute he found a              place to land and get gas. The flight across the huge width of Russia was              difficult. He made several stops for gas and a few hours rest before flying              across the Bering Sea to Alaska.

19. Once you have been presented, you are faced with the question of what to say.        The Queen is always addressed as Your Majesty" on the first count and thereafter      as "Ma'am"; according to Buckingham Palace, this should rhyme with jam, not palm.      Other members of the royal family are treated with similar respect: "Your Royal        Highness" then "Sir" or "Ma'am." You should let the royal personage lead the          conversation, not try to change the subject, and ask only the politest of questions.      "Is your Majesty enjoying the performance?" is __________, but "How's Philip and        Charles?" is most definitely, absolutely out of the question.
20. Our personnel have to meet standard professional requirements and undergo            comprehensive training prior to their assignments. Additional on the hob training        programs are designed and implemented. The result is enhanced performance and      the ability to provide quality security services to a wide variety of ------- such as        :Airports, High Rise Buildings, Construction Sites, Hotels, Neighborhoods, Office          Buildings, Schools, Shopping Centers, Warehouses, Apartment Buildings, Banks, and      Government Contracts.       
21. Flood, fire, national disaster, or the loss of power from high winds, snow, or, rice        could jeopardize the safety of your food. Knowing what to do before and after an      emergency can help you reduce your risk of illness. By following these guidelines,      you can also minimize the amount of food that may be lost due to spoilage.          Power outages can occur at any time of the year and it may take from a few          hours to several days for electricity to be restored to residential areas. Without          electricity or a cold source, food stored in refrigerators and freezers can become        unsafe. (        ) in food grow rapidly at temperatures between 40 and 140⁰F,        and if these foods are consumed, people can become very sick.
22. (        )is creating environments that influence others to achieve group goals.        Here are some guidelines on how to create this type of atmosphere for your team:
    Develop an environment that encourage ideas
    Create opportunities for feedback to close the communication loop
    Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
    Recognize human potential and reward the accomplishments of others

  As we meet our strategic, we will be true to our core values: Service, Integrity, and      Excellence. They are the constants that reflect the best of our Agency's unique          history and accomplishments. These are the values that have served us well and will    guide us as we embark on marking our Strategic Intent a reality.
    ❖Collecting information that reveals the plans, intentions and capabilities of our            adversaries and provides the basis for decision and action.
    ❖Producing timely analysis that provides insight, warning and opportunity to the          President and decisionmakers charged with protecting and advancing America's          interests.
    ❖Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats          achieve Us policy objectives.
    1.We require minimum number of people in the group.
    2.Children under 3 are free of charge; Children under ten receive 30% discount.
    3.Parties over10 are also eligible for discount. Please contact us for details.
    4.Same day cancellation will be charged 50% penalty.
    5.In case of the heavy traffic, pick-up service can be delayed.
    6.Special or private tours can be arranged on your request. Please contact us for          details.
    7.Twin rooms are provided for overnight trips. Single rooms are also available for          extra charge.
    8.Our agency is not responsible for any losses, damages and injuries caused by          unavoidable instances during the tour unless it was clearly caused by our              negligence of the tour's operation.

 Good morning. Here's a brief look at the weather for today in cities across the United  States. Expect heavy snow in Chicago today with up to five inches expected to fall.      The high temperature today will only be 25 degrees. In the New York area, and        throughout the northeast, it looks like rain, rain, and more rain. Heavy rain is expected  with temperatures only getting up to about 37 degrees. In the south, the weather      continues to be simply fantastic. If you live in Atlanta, you're going to have a beautiful  day today--warm and sunny with plenty of blue skies. Temperatures today will get up  to a warm 65 degrees. In Seattle, you can expect cloudy and cool weather for today    with a high temperature of 52 degrees. But if you really want to find hot weather, the  southwest is where it's at, with hot, dry weather expected to continue for the rest of    the week. In Las Vegas today it will be sunny and very  warm with a high of 83.


These motives stem from an intense desire to influence, damage or destroy a particular political system. Persons exhibiting these motives are commonly referred to as extremists or terrorists. They see themselves as heroes working for a particular cause. Some assassins are convinced that the intended victim is impelling principles which they consider extremely important. For example, President Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth because Booth believed strongly in the principles for which the Southern States were fighting.

  ① To truly understand Korea and her people, visitors must understand the effect of    the war and the chasm it left in the hearts of its victim. The only divided country      on earth, Korea and symbol of division, DMZ. DMZ is the most heavily fortified        border on the planet. ② It has been 58 years since the Korean War ended in 1953.    However, the DMZ has been standing strongly dividing the waist of the Korean        Peninsular. ③ For anyone who plans to visit South Korea on business or vacation,      this place must not be missed. ④ Visitors can see a picture of Korea's division and    it's fragile state of pesce through looking at the Demilitarized Zone.

Improved navigation accuracy, thanks to better autopilots and satellite navigator will allow reduced separation in the airspace around airports just as RVSM⟦Reduced Vertical Separation Minima⟧has freed up airspace en-route by reducing the minimum height separation between aircraft once they are airborne. Ground movement will be semi-automatic: as soon as an aircraft has left the stand it will be tracked by a ground radar and directed automatically via different taxiways to the take off runaway. In five to eight years, pilots, controllers will have displays that will show them the same 'picture' of all the aircraft  on the ground. All these improvements will increase traffic flow, especially in poor visibility, and improve safety.

Provided malfunction drills are practised often enough, however, if a feed/extraction problem does occur during actual close combat, it can be cleared quickly with an instinctive wwipe of the palm or a quick tilt of the weapon and rack of the slide. Special 'red-handled' guns can be employed for initial training in malfunction clearance drills, then the bodyguard can move on to live-fire clearance drills on the range, where the occasional dummy round can be loaded into the pistol or submarine-gun magazine.

In practising engagement from the foot escort formation, the protective team will normally walk along with a member of team acting as the principal. Upon the appearance of a 'threat', the bodyguard nearest the threat will interpose his or her body and engage the target, while the rest of the team practise their evacuation drills. In some scenarios, if several 'attackers' are encountered, the two bodyguards nearest may engage, while the remainder of the team evacuates the principal.


Bodyguards often have backgrounds in the armed forces, police or security services, prison guard services or martial arts, although this is not required. Bodyguards must be physically fit, with good eyesight and hearing, and they need to have a presentable appearance, especially for close protection work for dignitaries and heads of state. However, bodyguards protecting celebrities or pop stars may be able to have tattoos and facial piercings. A drivers license is usually required, so that the bodyguard can double as a driver. In the UK and some other countries, bodyguards to have a license or certification, which involves identity and criminal record checks. To be a bodyguard in an agency protecting a head of state, a bodyguard will have to undergo extensive background and loyalty checks.


Times when site is most vulnerable: Between the time construction has ended and whenthe new occupants have completely moved in, there tends to be confusion. Movers and decorators should not be allowed uncontrolled access to the site. While something can be carried in, something else can be carried out. Identification badges should be used during this period.



The personal safety and well-being of all of our employees and their families is very important to your company. This cannot be overemphasized. While your company does not believe that the company, or the employees, will be the object of any criminal actions, the following guidelines for action are being set out for your guidance. In any situation involving a hostage, ransom, or extortion, the only important consideration is the safety of our questionable situation, notify a company official as promptly and as completely as is possible. Do not delay action to investigate the matter fully just so you can notify a company official.

                  경호경비 점검표
          ( Protection and Security Checklists)

                                .CITY FILE

Principal language spoken:         
Time difference from Greenwich:
Last visited:     
Currency and current exchange rate:
Airport code:
Principal religions:

Location of:
All-night pharmacies:
Dry cleaners and laundries:

Other transportation:
  VIP pick-up points:
  Car rental agencies:
  Limo services:
  Taxi stands::

  ✦Sick, antisocial, greedy people to enter the picture and complicate things by fraudulent attempts to get      money (this is why code names are necessary in all negotiations with the kidnappers);
  ✦Overly aggressive news reporters might complicate funds delivery by close surveillance;
  ✦The efforts of law enforcement to secure the return of the victim, to apprehend the kidnappers, or to        recover the ransom funds might be jeopardized by releasing information that should be concealed. In a      terrorist situation where the safety of personnel is at stake, it is belter to release too little rather than        too much information. Law enforcement advice should be sought about the release of specific details.      Criminals and terrorists read the papers and listen to news broad casts.

2. ONLY ONE PERSON SHOULD HANDLE ALL CONTACTS WITH THE MEDIA. All other people should refer    all contacts from the media to that one person. This will prevent the media from playing one official        against another to obtain more information. This will permit the controlled release of nonvital information.    It is standard media procedure to attempt to have a ·person feel important by releasing small details that    are then used to confront a second person with the released information.


4. REMEMBER AT ALL TIMES THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS by the media or        anyone else except in a court under subpoena. Many people feel that they should or have to answer        questions from the media or well-intentioned citizens. Learn to say, "No comment at present."

5. COOPERATE WITH OTHER NEGOTIATORS so that everyone concerned is aware of the situation. Do not      discuss the situation with anyone other than your fellow negotiators.


: We have been born into this land, charged with the historic mission of regenerating the nation. This      is the time for us to establish a self-reliant posture within and contribute to the common                prosperity of mankind without, by revitalizing the illustrious spirit of our  forefathers. We do hereby      state the proper course to follow and set it up as the aim of our education.
    W: What's the date today?
  M: May 13.
  W: What day is it?
  M: Friday. Why?
  W: Oh, no. It's Friday the 13th! I'm not going out today.
    Who knows what will happen to me?
  M: You are very superstitious, aren't you?
  W: I'm afraid I am. I never do anything important on the 13th day of the month, much less on  a            Friday the 13th.
  M: Is that right?
  W: Yeah, I never sign contracts on a Friday the 13th.
  M: Gee. I've never seen anyone who's afraid of a Friday the 13th that much.
  W: Well, you're seeing one now.

    W: Hi.
  M: Hi, Fill'er up with super unleaded, please.
  W: Sorry, we don't have super unleaded.
      We only have regular unleaded, then.
  M: OK.
  W: Open up your hood, please. I'll check the oil.
  M: All right, thanks.
  W: You're quite low on oil. You need a quart added.
  M: Really? Add a quart, then. What about the transmission fluid?
  W: It's all right. You're all set, sir. That'll be $18.50.
  M: You take credit cards, don't you?
  W: Yes, we do.
  M: Here you go.
    M:  I have a Frequent Flyer Bonus Card, don't you?
  W: No. What's that?
  M: Oh, it's a card an airline issues to its frequent flyers to give certain benefits.
  W: Oh? What kind of benefits?
  M: Free tickets, seat upgrading, fast check-in, and things like that.
  W: Sounds pretty good. How do you get a card?
  M: Fill in an application form at your travel agency and your card will be mailed to your                    address.
  W: I see.

      W: What are  South Korea's scenic wonders?
    M: Well, all the national parks could be called scenic wonders , but I'd say that  Soraksan and              Jirisan  National  Parks are the most beautiful.
  W: Really?
  M: Yes. Other scenic places include Jejudo, the postcard beautiful island far off  the southwestern          coast, which has been listed on UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  W: I can't wait to see all of them. Are they all easily accessible?
  M: Yes, they are all within a few hours' drive from Seoul. You can fly to Jejudo in less than                an hour.
 M: Hello, Linda. Congratulations on your promotion to  housewares manager. I'm happy for you! I              know  you'll be  successful.
 W: Thanks. I'm looking forward to the challenge.
7 .

 W: I hear Dyke's been promoted.
 M: Yes. He's getting much more money now.
 W: That's good for him.
 M: He makes a much better living.
 W: He needed to.

  W: You're looking affluent these days.
 M: Yes, business has been really fast.
 W: I can hardly make ends meet on this job.
 M: Well, you should you do something else.
 W: What do you do for a living?
 M: I'm a carpenter.

    W: I wanted to ask you, Peter. What's the biggest change you've noticed since  you've been here?
  M: Oh, I don't know, really. I suppose the office environment's change a lot. We used to have a              supervisor walking up and down, making sure we were all walking. Nowadays, there's more              freedom, but in some ways there are more  worries.
  W: I know what you mean. I'm sure there were a lot more staff twenty years  ago.
  M: There certainly were. Anyway, let's change the subject! Are you interested in going on somewhere      to eat?
  W: Yes, good idea. Why not!

  W: What's the next one?
  M: Memorial Day or, as it is sometimes called, Decoration Day. It is always on June sixth.
  W: Why do you celebrate Memorial Day?
  M: We celebrate it in memory of all the Korean men who have died in war.
  W: It must be a solemn day.
  M: It is for many people. For example, in Seoul they have a special service at  the tomb of the            Unknown Soldier. In addition, many people put flowers on the  graves of their relatives and friends.

      W: When the driver of the principal's car signals a lane change, the follow  driver should move              towards that lane to block oncoming traffic. The principal's car can then safely make the                change.


    M: The person who walks with hands on hips is more like a sprinter than a long-distance                      runner. He wants to go the shortest possible distance in the  fastest possible time to reach his            goal. His sudden bursts of energy are  often followed by periods of  seeming lethargy while            he plans his next  decisive move.


      Security intelligence is the product resulting from the collection, collation evaluation and                analysis of information regarding security threats. It provides government decision-makers              with insight into activities and trends at the national and international levels, that can have an            impact on the security of Canada. This insight allows decision-makers to develop suitable policy          anticipation of possible threats. Regardless of its source, security intelligence provides value in that        it supplements information that is already available from other government departments or the            media. Intelligence  conveys the story behind the story.


        The federal government's efforts, in coordination with state and local                overnments and the private sector, to develop, coordinate, fund and                implement the programs and policies necessary to detect, prepare for,              prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks              within the United States.

      Recently, both nationally and internationally, the taking of hostages to secure        demands has become a major concern authorities. Such dramatic incidents          have generated widespread fear, forced governments and corporate                  enterprises to spend large sums of money for security and has interfered          with the conduct of business and diplomatic relations.

        Throughout the world, terrorists have sent anonymous letters to                    unsuspecting victims containing an explosive device which detonates when          the envelop is opened. A newspaper, folded and left on the target victim's          doorstep, has also been used to conceal explosives.

      The mission of the team is to precede the principal, conduct on-site security        surveys and effect necessary security coordination, making all security              arrangements.


      Avoid overdensity
      Avoid neurosis
      Plan on reduction of vandalism
      Trash chutes and storage areas kept clear
      Basement access reduced
      Security in tenants' storage area
      Key security implemented
      Foyer should also be locked
      Vandal-proof mailboxes

Quality of products to be used
Type and style of lens and monitors to be used
Who is going to monitor the monitors?
Electric outlets needed at each camera location
Who will service in the event of breakdown?
Size of control room to determine the amount of controls and panel which will be able to be monitored
Who will install and repair system?

    Special Agents of the Secret Service wear attire that is appropriate for the surroundings. In many circumstances, the attire is a conservative business suit, but attire can range from a tuxedo to blue jeans. Photographs often show them wearing sunglasses and a communication earpiece. The attire for Uniformed Division Officers includes standard police uniforms, or utility uniforms and ballistic identification vests for members of the countersniper team, Emergency Response Team and canine officers.

23. W

    W: Wilson says he was abused and beaten until he was 14 years old. By 18,          he had joined the military.
M: The military taught me that I could accomplish anything if I set my mind to it.
W: After seven years in the military. C.T. Wilson studied to be an attorney. Soon      after graduation, he started working for the State of Maryland. That is when he      noticed youngsters coming from foster  care getting into trouble with the law.
M: You're not going to stop crime by arresting people every day. You're not going      to stop crime by  convicting people every day. You have to get in and actually      go to the root of the problem.

    M: We handle over 11 million deliveries every working day, spanning 180              countries and territories, world wide. We track international deliveries              electronically and speed them across borders using our Electronic Customs          Pre-Alert system. All at remarkably competitive rates. But however many          packages we handle, we know that maintaining your trust is something that          can only be done one shipment at a time. By recognising that each delivery          is as vital to our business as it is to yours. We never forget one simple            fact: The millions of packages we deliver are merely statistics. Except              those we deliver for you.
      M: 1. Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin releases a locking                mechanism and will  allow you to discharge the extinguisher.
        2. Aim at the base of the fire, not the flames. This is important-in order to            put out the fire, you must extinguish the fuel.
        3. Squeeze the lever slowly. This will release the extinguishing agent in the            extinguisher. If the handle is released, the discharge will stop.
        4. Sweep from side to side. Using a sweeping motion, move the fire                    extinguisher back and forth until the fire is completely out. Operate the              extinguisher from a safe distance, several feet away, and then move                towards the fire once it starts to diminish. Be sure to read the                      instructions on your fire extinguisher-different fire extinguishers                    recommend operating them from distances. Remember: Aim at the base              of the fire, not at the flames.


    M: 1. Select a table for the principal that is near a fire door, in an alcove, or              similar area. A  separate room from the main dining area is preferable.
        2. If possible, select a private entrance to the dining area that is                      convenient to the principal's vehicle.
        3. Arrange seating for the security detail so that they will have full view              of the principal and  other patrons. So as to maintain a low profile, the              security detail should be allowed to eat as long as it does not detract              from the security mission.
        4. Arrange to settle the bill before the principal is ready to leave. This will            prevent unnecessarily delaying the principal and his guests or causing              embarrassment.

    W: How did you get started in the Executive Protection Field?
    M: Back in the 1970's, policy pay was very poor and everybody moonlighted            to earn            more money. Working as a bodyguard was one of those jobs we            were asked to do.            Our pay as a bodyguard was $60 dollars per day 12              hours. It was a fortunate to us          as police take home pay was about                  240 dollars per month. I was then asked by        an agency if I would like to            train as a Bodyguard, I said yes.


    W: Who are your typical clients?
    M: We have celebrity, executive and political clients at times. The majority of          the time though, our  clients are executives.
          W: Question: Who do they mostly bodyguard?
    W: Who are your typical clients?
    M: Most of my clients are Executives, I shy away from the pop bands and              singers, they have minders, not bodyguards.


    W: What was the very first 'celebrity' detail you worked?
    M: I just so happened that a celebrated sports figure owned the club. Well,              after working my way up through the club, the owner would put me on              personal details. He had a lot of interaction, with the public, so he didn't            want that "tough- guy security"approach. He needed someone to                    finesse sticky situations and I had good problem-solving skills. Once that            assignment came to an end I was basically back at square one. I knew it            was important to be well-rounded, so I worked  every aspect of protection          you can think of; uniformed security guard to undercover department                store theft prevention-Anything to gain further training and experience in            the security industry.

    W: How was Bodyguard-Executive Protection work changed from back in the            day when you first  started?
    M: The industry has become far more professional with a great deal of                emphasis on training. It used to be rather loose in the way an employer            would hire a body guard. There was a time when the only qualification for          a bodyguard was being either a big bouncer from the club, off-duty cop or          retired Navy SEAL. It is more formal now including the terms. Executive            Protection Specialists is slowly replacing the term 'Bodyguard'. But the              majority of the public still uses and knows the  term 'bodyguard' so it's            important for us to make sure we continue to disprove the                          misconceptions. Quality training is preparing people in an entirely different          way, which I think it's great for the newcomer. One important thing to              remember is that a lot of times guys think previous military skills or law            enforcement skills are all that's needed to make it working with                    the private sector. Many times the great skills just don't fully translate to          actually working wit executives or celebrities